“Don’t trow your life for someone’s smell.” “Live for one, because it’s more than enough, when you find the correct.” “Inside every girl, there’s a beautiful angel.” “Be like a butterfly, smile pretty, but harder to catch.” “Don’t waste the energy, just wake, makeup and love yourself.” “With high heels, chase the dreams fasters.” “Not everyone is responsible for your happiness.” “If someone hurts you today, remind them of their mistake tomorrow.” “Do your best, and best will provide it’s best for you.” “Better to stop, rather making realize, you were lying.” “Yes, you can’t hurt me, because I don’t think you have the capacity for making happy.” “Real value is when someone loves you more than what’s expected and did.” “Everyone can effort, but not everyone is worthy of every beauty.”

“Don’t ignore someone who truly loves, they care more than themselves.” “It’s better to have someone who hurts, than someone who cheats.”

“Don’t let anyone cry if you can’t make them happy.” “Who says, life is one, for me life is something to experience new from the beginning of every morning.” “If you can’t ignore the pain, think it before giving to others.” “Life us all about yourself, don’t watch always, live.” “Girls never forget someone who changes their life.” “Rime changes, but a beautiful heart remains the same forever for someone.” “Don’t teach me what is important for me, I think I love myself more.” Now look at these beautiful quotes for girls, Cute Whatsapp DP for girls and boys with attitude and quotes are here.Motivational whatsApp DP for girls with quotes Choose a beautiful picture from our collection as per your mood and download your favorite DP from here and put it on your Whatsapp. A cute profile picture on Whatsapp can make your good mood for the day and it also helps your friends to make them feel good. We have some cute, sweet, and awesome profile pictures that you will love to share on your Whatsapp. You always need a cute DP images, whatsapp cute DP, cute whatsapp dp pics, and cute girls boys whatsapp dp to place it on your Whatsapp profile.